
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#075. All you need to know about Data Activation Apps for Salesforce Data Cloud

Salesforce's 'Bad Guy AI' campaign might be a diversion from their slow progress in AI innovation. Explore the real story behind their trust narrative...
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#074. Bad Guy AI is a Smokescreen!

Salesforce's 'Bad Guy AI' campaign might be a diversion from their slow progress in AI innovation. Explore the real story behind their trust narrative...
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#073. Please Teach Humans, not AI!

System Integrators are tempted to overuse AI but that leaves beginners on the side of the learning path. Take care of juniors!
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#072. What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement on Hyperforce? and why you should care…

SFMC Engagement on Hyperforce is roadmapped for 2026 in Europe and the US... what should you know?
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#071. How to Build a Business Case for a CDP… with 10k Profiles for Free

Salesforce announced Free Data Cloud for SFMC Customers... here's how you can get the most of it!
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#070. Salesforce Marketing Cloud Moving to Core – What If?

Discover why SFMC consultants should learn about Braze, Bloomreach, Klaviyo, and Segment.
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#069. Expanding your Toolkit : Learning Beyond Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Discover why SFMC consultants should learn about Braze, Bloomreach, Klaviyo, and Segment.
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#067. SFMC Projects : Vision vs. Delivery – A Path to Excellence!

Explore how to elevate your SFMC strategies by leading with a vision, crafting customer journeys, and balancing innovation with relevance.
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#066. Scaling your Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consulting Team through Specialization

Hey Smart Marketers! Maybe one year ago, you created your Salesforce Marketing Cloud Practice. Big moment! One year later, you have a team of 5 “Consultants”. None of them is “specialized”. Now, how do you scale this team? As a team leader, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of specialization in a growing SFMC team....
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#065. 4 Features SFMC users don’t actually use!

Hey Smart Marketers, Did you see all these LinkedIn posts about TypeFace Content Block? I’m sure you did… they’re all over any Marketing Cloud professional feed. You know what I thought when I saw them? I thought: “can we access these AI features without using the Content Block?” And then, it struck me: Salesforce actually...
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