
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#073. Please Teach Humans, not AI!

System Integrators are tempted to overuse AI but that leaves beginners on the side of the learning path. Take care of juniors!
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#067. SFMC Projects : Vision vs. Delivery – A Path to Excellence!

Explore how to elevate your SFMC strategies by leading with a vision, crafting customer journeys, and balancing innovation with relevance.
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#064. 4 GPTs to Rock your SFMC Projects and Career!

Hey Smart Marketers! OpenAI killed the game again… Last week, OpenAI released GPTs creation!! You can now create GPTs tailored to special needs. Train them exactly for this… and even connect them to other apps. I must admit I spent the last 4 days playing with this and the result is awesome. So, here’s my...
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#058. How to Win Budgets and Prioritize SFMC Projects for 2024

Discover top strategies to secure 2024 budgets for Salesforce Marketing Cloud projects. Explore AI's pivotal role, ROI-centric planning, and compelling storytelling. Maximize ROI with my expert tips.
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#034. The 5 Dos and 5 Don’ts of Creating a Welcome Journey in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Everything you should know about building a welcome journey in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#027. The Seven Deadly Sins of Salesforce Marketing Cloud projects!

Hey Smart Marketers! There are reasons why some projects succeed while others fail. If you want to stay on the success path, there are 7 Deadly Sins to avoid. Let’s dive in! # Poor Data If possible, I’d recommend a Data Quality Assessment at the beginning of each project. Salesforce Marketing Cloud consumes data and...
Stand out in SFMC's jungle of marketers and consultants!

#023. How to deal with schizo customers?

Hey folks! Did you know some duplicates are not real duplicates? Meet John. John is a happy husband and father of three. He likes hiking and beautiful landscapes. A lot of outdoor activities. He prefers Asian food and large bedrooms. John is also a Sales executive that travels a lot for work. He likes to...
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