#049. The Dos and Don’ts of Email Frequency

Hey Smart Marketers!

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement is all about sending emails… but finding the right balance for their frequency can be challenging!

Sending too many emails can lead to subscriber fatigue and high unsubscribe rates, while sending too few might cause the brand to miss out on valuable opportunities to nurture leads and drive conversions.

To help you strike the perfect balance, here’s my list of “Dos” and “Don’ts”.

Let’s dive in!

The 5 Don’ts of Email Frequency

  1. Don’t Overwhelm Subscribers with Daily Emails: Bombarding subscribers with daily emails can lead to frustration and, ultimately, higher unsubscribe rates. Respect their inbox and avoid overwhelming them with excessive communication.
  2. Don’t Ignore Engagement Metrics: Neglecting to monitor email engagement metrics is a big mistake. Keep a close eye on open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates to gauge how your current frequency is resonating with your audience.
  3. Don’t Make Abrupt Changes: Suddenly altering email frequency can catch subscribers off guard and may lead to a negative response. Gradually adjust the frequency, giving the audience time to adjust and provide feedback.
  4. Don’t Neglect Segmentation: Sending the same frequency of emails to the entire list disregards the diversity of the audience. Neglecting segmentation means you might be overloading some subscribers while under-engaging others.
  5. Don’t Sacrifice Quality for Quantity: Sending frequent emails should not come at the expense of content quality. Avoid falling into the trap of sending rushed or irrelevant content just to maintain a high frequency.

The 5 Dos of Email Frequency

  1. Understand Subscriber Preferences: Prioritize understanding the subscribers’ preferences through surveys and feedback. Tailor email frequency based on their expectations to enhance engagement.
  2. Provide Value in Every Email: Make sure each email provides value to the recipient, whether through exclusive offers, valuable content, or personalized recommendations. Valuable content ensures subscribers eagerly anticipate your emails.
  3. Test Different Frequencies: Utilize A/B testing to find the optimal email frequency for the brand. Testing different frequencies with small segments of audience will help identify what works best.
  4. Use Event-Based Triggers: Implement event-based triggers to send timely and relevant emails. These triggers, based on user actions, ensure that emails are delivered when they are most likely to be appreciated.
  5. Empower Subscribers with Preference Centers: Offer preference centers that allow subscribers to choose their preferred email frequency. Empowering your audience to control their email experience leads to higher engagement and satisfaction.

Maintaining the right email frequency is crucial for successful email marketing from the brand side, stay focused on relevant metrics and try to find the frequency that resonates with each subscriber.

See you next week!

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